Saturday, May 18, 2013

Marky the Hippest Dog in Town

Hi Hi Hi Hi!
My name is Marky 
I'm known as the hippest dog in town
Always on the hip of my best friend, Felicia.
A few things we love doing together includes jogging, swimming, and jumping rope.
Some friends think this is an uncomfortable ride but little do they know it is the best for stretching out your back. No lie.
I also get the opportunity to go to places that other dogs don't! 
Felicia is quite the traveler and I have been on her hip in Barcelona, Prague, Hong Kong, and Southwest India. 
The food in India is just divine.
Felicia is telling me it's time to go on our afternoon jog so I will have to catch y'all on the flipside
See ya later


Pooty Boy the Oompa Loompa

Oh hello friends!
Welcome to Willy Wonka's Faux Chocolate Factory!
Over here at the Faux Chocolate Factory we are busy pumping out the greatest fake chocolate for dog's around the world!
I'm sure you know by now that eating real chocolate will hurt your pup so over here at Factory we make a friendly chocolate for your canine best friends so that they can enjoy the wonders of this delicious dessert as well.
I would give you a tour but it seems as though you do not have a golden ticket.
Sorry about that but you can try your luck in any package of Pedigree in the Northern Hemisphere.
We have another factory in the Southern Hemisphere as well as another few branches in China, Iran, and South Africa.  
Don't let this outfit fool you, it's a Gucci piece with the accessories handmade by Prada.
They treat us well here at the chocolate factory.


Oh! Well that's my call to get back to work and make some more nutty chocolate crunch for tomorrow. 
Have a wonderful rest of your day.

Pootyboy the Oompa Loompa