Monday, March 4, 2013

Bobby the Boxer

Bobby the Boxer

Yes folks it's true, the legend Bobby "one hit" Balulu has entered the building! The legend himself and we cannot believe it! You must be a fool if you don't remember the last time we saw Bobby when he took down Marky "Knockout" Mueller, the biggest Great Dane in Las Vegas. It was a sight to be seen folks and here we are again in an epic matchup in Hong Kong. The fight was said to be so intense that they couldn't hold it in the United States. Bobby's contender tonight is the infamous Gary the Greyhound. Known for his dirty dancing in the boxing ring where he has bitten several of his opponents in order to get the advantage. We asked Bobby about the matchup earlier this evening. 

Bobby: "This clown Greyhound is in for one hell of a night, I am gonna spare him the easy knockout and mess with his head for all 12 rounds".
We weren't sure what Bobby was speaking of but we heard from inside sources it has something to do with messing with Gary's small tail insecurity. We wanted to get the response straight from Gary the Greyhound.

Gary the Greyhound: "I've seen numbers of these boxer Boxers before, they are no joke, but I have been training with the best trainer in the West for the past five months to prepare for this match and I believe Bobby won't be expecting what I have up my sleeve."

WOW! Some exciting words from both parties! Stay tuned for the fight of the year, from your broadcasters here at DOG SPORTS NET.


  1. Haha this is great. Sounds like a good match-up! Bobby sounds a little too cocky so I'm going to side with Gary on this one. I'll be checking it out on DOG SPORTS NET.

  2. Beware, Bobby, those Greyhounds are light on their feet. They are really fast.
    Remember what Muhammad Ali said, "You can't hit, What you can't see.", he may "Float like a butterfly and sting like a bee."

    Stick and move Bobby! Stick and move!
